Calculate the Return on Your Membership Investment
While calculating all the return on your Membership investment of $15 a month* there are two simple examples that show the tremendous return on what would otherwise get you a coffee and muffin!
*$15 a month with a one year commitment, $25 a month with no commitment, or $150 a year.
Real Time Live Logging

Live Logging during the shoot with Lumberjack’s Suite of Tools will save you an industry average of $180 for every hour of footage shot.
How? By moving the logging from the expensive edit bay to the shoot.
Builder NLE for creating Stories with Transcripts

Imagine you’re working on a Documentary or Reality TV show. It can be a nightmare juggling interviews and all the other media to create a Story that works.
There’s a simpler solution: Lumberjack Builder NLE.
Because there’s no expensive conform from a text document to a video edit, Builder NLE (Non Linear Editing System for those who may not know) saves you about $500 for every conform you don’t have to do.
Don’t take our word for it. Enter your numbers into the calculators below and learn how just two features of Lumberjack System will return you way more than the Membership fee.
Live Logging ROI Calculator

Builder NLE ROI Calculator